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vat savitri vrat katha

What is Vat Savitri fast :-

Vat Savitri fast is celebrated every year on the new moon of Jyeshtha month.

This fast is very special for married women because on this day married women keep this fast for the long life of their husbands.

Vat Savitri fast Date 2021

START DAY :- 9th June 2021 at 01:57 PM

 END DAY :- 10th June 2021 at 04:20 pm

 FASTING :- On 11 June 2021

Method of Vat Savitri Vrat :-

1) Get up early that day and take bath.

2)  Do not forget to light a lamp in the temple of the house.

3) The worship of Vat tree has special significance on this holy day.

 4) Place the idols of Savitri and Satyavan under the banyan tree.

  5) After this, offer water to the idol and the tree with devotion.

6) After this, offer all the worship materials with love.

 7) Tie the red thread while circumambulating the banyan tree seven times.

 8) Also listen to fast story on this day.

 9) On this day meditate more and more on God.

The story of the mythological Vat Savitri fast :-

Savitri learns that her husband is short-lived. At the same time Dev Rishi Narad Muni came there and told Savitri that your husband is short-lived. You choose another groom. In this your welfare is there, but Savitri said – I have accepted him as husband, so he will become my husband. They get married and a few years of marriage also pass. One day Satyavan started having severe pain in his head. Savitri placed her husband Satyavan's head in her lap under the banyan tree and made him lie down. At the same time Savitri saw that Yamraj had appeared there. Yamraj separated Satyavan's soul from his body with his yampasha and left. Seeing this, Savitri also follows Yamraj.

When Yamraj saw that woman, he said - O virtuous woman! A virtuous wife supports her husband till the earth. Now you go back. On this matter of Yamraj, Savitri replies - Oh God, you take me with my husband. I cannot live without my husband. Hearing this answer of Savitri, Yamraj felt pity on her. He asked Savitri to ask for a boon and said – I will give you three boons. Ask what boon you want. Then Savitri asked for eyesight for her mother-in-law, asked for her father-in-law's lost kingdom back and asked for a boon to become the mother of hundred sons of her husband Satyavan. Hearing these three boons of Savitri, Yamraj blessed her and said that it would happen. Satyavan rose again. According to mythology, since then there is a law to worship the Vat tree on Vat Savitri Amavasya and Vat Savitri Purnima. By observing this fast, the wishes of the fortunate women are fulfilled and their good fortune remains unbroken, it is such a belief.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट


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